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Friday, August 15, 2008

Welcome - - My Blog, My Life

Hmm...I can't fathom that anyone could possibly be interested in reading about my life. Hell, sometimes I don't even want to be a participant myself. Seriously, what wisdom can I possibly be able to share with you? I don't know that my life experiences vary that much from your very own. There are highlights (my amazing husband, these borderline looney kids that share my space, my travels) and many many lowlights (a miscarriage, my father's suicide, being fired), but mainly there is just minutia. Chicken or beef? Paper or plastic? Gymnastics or ballet? Missionary or doggy? Fan or air conditioner? What I bring to the blogging table, I suppose, is insight and ability to look at life and see more than just the surface pieces but great humor in all things human and great humanity in all of spectrums of life. I look around me at this zoo I live in and can not imagine how either (1) any one of the 5 of us is sane, (2) no one has killed another yet and (3) HOW AM I GOING TO FIND THOSE DAMN SCHOOL FORMS BEFORE AUGUST 27TH??!! I watch enough "Oprah" or "Trading Spaces" to know that the clutter that surrounds me reflects a disturbance in the soul of this family and that a tidy home = a tidy life. ARGH! You may see clutter and disarray, but I see a home that is pulsing with family and love. The gym bag laying on the floor? This tells me that a daddy loves his princess enough to drive her to gymnastics classes each week. The paperwork splayed across Scott's desk? Testament to his blossoming business. Undeveloped film from South Dakota? Priceless memories from an amazing family adventure. This is my life. This is my home. I make no excuses, but I do make dinner. Crap! I was supposed to put some new Chicken Crock Pot montrosity on about two hours ago. Hey...I'll blog about that tomorrow!!

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